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IMG_4166Today was a good day to experiment inside as it was cold, cloudy and windy, just making it feel even colder. Wandering around outdoors was not an option, at least for me.

Why not put on the extension tubes and take advantage of the still beautiful bouquet of yellow roses I gave myself (with photography in mind) for Valentines Day. I also wanted to try out my new Shutter Release Cable, something I have needed ever since getting the camera several years ago. It is a Vello brand from B&H Photography, and it is very nice and works just fine! No more worries over camera shake trying to press the button, especially while using the extension tubes.

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For the roses I did set the camera to Close Up, there was a white foam core tri-fold presentation board behind the mason jar of roses, that the flash bounced off of. I did have all 3 extension tubes on the camera.

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Next looking around the art room, what in the world could I spot that would catch my eye? There in the box of miscellaneous items that I collect, thinking that they may come in handy for photography props at some point was the box of green mosses. Lets try those.

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I wonder what close ups of watercolor painting may reveal, often you see more through the view finder or screen (live view) than when you look at the entire painting as a whole. Here is some of what I found today.

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There were many more close ups, to many to include in one post, so I will be doing another post soon.

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