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imagesYou know over my recent move, I have listened and watched other peoples reactions, to me as a single person never having married and have been surprised  at just how many people both married and single seem to believe that an unmarried single man should not own more than an apple crate and a chair or two.. How sad  that these people have such narrow minds.

The way I see it, is that we all are given only one life to live in this world be our God and creator, and it is up to use to make the most of our lives while on this world.

It does seem that the feelings of most people that a single person (in their adult lives) are unworthy of everything that a married couple has, almost to the extent that one could say they are inferior products of God, not worthy to have anything in their lives more than just a room, with a kitchen, bed and bathroom, they are not worthy to know the joys of house keeping, the chores of daily life.

I am fortunate in my life that I do not have a narrow mind and believe in living life to the fullest, no I am not a party animal, but rather find simple joys of life in Art, Music, and homemaking. My life as an Old Order Mennonite taught me how to work hard and live for today, to make the most of each and everyday that God has given us to live. thumbnail.aspx

More over what are our lives, if we don’t want to learn anything else  other than to simply exist in life. The joys of reading and learning in life believe it or not is life long, it does not stop in the 8th or 12th grades of school or even collage, “A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste”

I cannot imagine my life without all that I have learned to do up until this as of 50, I seek to make my life as full as any married couple on this planet, not to just exist, not to have belongings past down from my great grand parents down through the ages. What a waste of a human life when we cease to learn, grow and in both knowledge and spirit just because we are single.

I talked to several guys the were more than kind enough to give their free time to help me by moving my  today, I know they were shocked at what I had in home furnishings, cooking and cookware and art supplies, so thinking about writing this post this afternoon I asked them, being single themselves  and in an age frame of 30;s to 40’s, and I was shocked at how little they had. somewhere in life I must have missed the memo that single people do not need to have anything in life.

Don’t get me wrong I am ever grateful to them for moving me and helping me in the ways that they did today. I truly am grateful more than they can ever know.

It is just my feeling that when we cease to grow and learn the I should wish to cease to exist. but that is not my call, that is God’s.

A forest path in Redwoods State Park, California.I am sure that all the people that have commented on these things mentioned above, all have made choices they are completely happy with. It is just not my cup of tea to simply exist in life. owning nothing, doing nothing.

With this move I did get rid of a lot of old baggage that I have hung onto for years, and lots and lots of things that I had not where to go with, about 70% of all my cooking supplies which bothers me greatly as cooking and baking is a daily part of life. Also being conservative, the great joy I get from home canning I have found that I must get rid of most of them, which saddens me greatly. When the day comes to replace these items it will only cost 3-4 times what I originally paid for them., Oh Well Life Goes On. PICT0167